Review of Terminator Salvation

Recently, Warner Bros. released the movie poster has been waiting attendance this year, 'Terminator salvation. Posters that are visible Scared show that the three main characters and a new sub-title 'The End Begin'. If you are at all series the previous Terminator movies, told most of the terminator return to the past to kill John Connor, and there will be a terminator that protect John Connor and the efforts made John Connor and His mother to Stop Judgemment Day (Terminator -The Sarah Connor Chronicles). But this time will be different, in 'Terminator salvation' adventure will be presenting John Connor leading the resistance against Skynet and The Terminator troops, or more precisely judgment Day itself was started and how it seeks to defend human life. This film will be presenting the exciting adventures of John Connor Terminator fight with a cool effect, and planned to be started in the play-in movie theater on Cinema in may 21. That's because all the fans for the Terminator, don't be late to watch this film.

Review Terminator Salvation

Baru-baru ini Warner Bros merilis poster film yang paling dinanti kehadirannya tahun ini, 'Terminator Salvation. Poster yang terlihat gahar itu menampilkan tiga tokoh utamanya dan sub judul baru 'The End Begin'.
Jika biasanya pada semua seri-seri film Terminator sebelumnya, kebanyakan menceritakan tentang kembalinya terminator ke masa lalu untuk membunuh John Connor, dan akan adanya seorang terminator lain yang melindungi John Connor dan Usaha-usaha yang dilakukan John Connor dan Ibunya untuk Menghentikan Judgemment Day (Terminator-The Sarah Connor Chronicles).

Namun kali ini akan berbeda, pada 'Terminator Salvation' akan menyuguhkan petualangan John Connor yang memimpin perlawanan terhadap Skynet dan pasukan Terminatornya, atau lebih tepatnya Judgement Day itu sendiri telah dimulai dan bagaimana manusia berusaha untuk mempertahankan hidupnya.

Film ini akan menyuguhkan petualangan yang seru antara John Connor melawan Terminator dengan Efek yang keren, Dan rencananya akan dimulai di putar di Bioskop-bioskop pada tgl 21 mei.

Karena Itu bagi semua penggemar Terminator, jangan sampai untuk tidak menyaksikan Film ini.
Angel & Airwaves - The Adventure Lyrics:

I wanna have the same last dream again,
the one where I wake up and I\'m alive.
Just as the four walls close me within,
my eyes are opened up with pure sunlight.
I\'m the first to know,
my dearest friends,
even if your hope has burned with time,
anything that\'s dead shall be re-grown,
and your vicious pain, your warning sign,
you will be fine.

Hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.

Any type of love - it will be shown,
like every single tree reach for the sky.
If you\'re gonna fall,
I\'ll let you know,
that I will pick you up
like you for I,
I felt this thing,
I can\'t replace.
Where everyone was working for this goal.
Where all the children left without a trace,
only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all.

Hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.
hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.
hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.

I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me

Hey, oh, here I am (do this with me),
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin (do this with me).
Hey, oh, here I am (do this with me).
And here we go, life\'s waiting to begin,
life\'s waiting to begin.
Hari ini saya akan posting sesuatu yang berbeda dari biasanya,,, saya akan memposting sebuah lirik lagu yang sangat saya sukai untuk saat ini,,

Yaitu lirik Angel & Airwaves - The Adventure,,, Ini dia liriknya:

I wanna have the same last dream again,
the one where I wake up and I\'m alive.
Just as the four walls close me within,
my eyes are opened up with pure sunlight.
I\'m the first to know,
my dearest friends,
even if your hope has burned with time,
anything that\'s dead shall be re-grown,
and your vicious pain, your warning sign,
you will be fine.

Hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.

Any type of love - it will be shown,
like every single tree reach for the sky.
If you\'re gonna fall,
I\'ll let you know,
that I will pick you up
like you for I,
I felt this thing,
I can\'t replace.
Where everyone was working for this goal.
Where all the children left without a trace,
only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all.

Hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.
hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.
hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin.

I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can\'t breathe
unless you do this with me

Hey, oh, here I am (do this with me),
and here we go, life\'s waiting to begin (do this with me).
Hey, oh, here I am (do this with me).
And here we go, life\'s waiting to begin,
life\'s waiting to begin.

Featured In The C#

Important features of the Visual C # 2005 Express Editon

Visual C # Express 2005 provides several features that support the development of
application program in a rapid method using RAD (Rapid Application Development). The
some of the features provided:
Built-in Starter Kit: a set of applications has been developed completely from
Microsoft best practice (experience of many developers from Microsoft) as an example for
Targeted Beginners Documentation and Tutorials: How fast and easy to
more information & examples are also provided here.
Intellisense: the facilities that can help you anticipate the error
pengetikan, because the IDE will automatically display a list of the syntax will be used.
Code Snippets: Provides the code for programming the different variations to help you
complete various tasks automatically. Code Snippets integrated directly with
development environment, and can be added.
Refactoring: Windows Visual C # 2005 IDE now allows refactoring enough
well. Refactoring allows developers to task when some mengotomatisasi
menstrukturisasi code.
Data-enabled Applications. This application allows you to connect the
directly to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition from the IDE. You can create a new database,
create a table and to manipulate data in the database easily.
Smart Tags: facilities that would help and facilitate your work when
with control-control that is, smart tags include a black triangle that appears on the
top-right corner of the control. With the smart tags you can set the property on the control
certain easily.
Windows Form Designer. With this tool, you will be able to easily design applications
Your Windows, including features such as snap the lines that make you easily
set the layout of the control-control in the form of neat.
New Windows Forms Controls: Includes a new control-control that can be used to
make application windows you become more interesting and interactive.
Click-Once Deployment: Features the following allows you to more easily
publish your application in the Internet, or install the application in the Local Area
Network (LAN), network share, or in the CD.
Edit and Continue: When you debug your applications on, and continue edit feature
allows you to modify the code, debugger forward or rewind,
execute the code again, add functionality or fix bugs without
halt program execution.
Community Access and Start Page: With these features, you can access information
of online communities and from different sources, including RSS (Rich Site
Summary or Really Simple Syndication) Feeds. (RSS is a family of XML file formats;
and used extensively by the community weblog and news website).

Fitur-Fitur C#

Fitur Penting Pada Visual C# 2005 Express Editon

Visual C# 2005 Express menyediakan beberapa fitur penting yang mendukung pengembangan
program aplikasi secara cepat menggunakan metode RAD (Rapid Application Development). Adapun
beberapa fitur yang disediakan:
· Built-in Starter Kit: kumpulan aplikasi yang telah dikembangkan secara menyeluruh dari
Microsoft best practice (pengalaman banyak developer dari Microsoft) sebagai contoh untuk
· Beginners Targeted Documentation dan Tutorials: Cara yang mudah dan cepat untuk
mendapatkan informasi & contoh-contoh juga disediakan disini.
· Intellisense: adalah fasilitas yang dapat membantu anda dalam mengantisipasi kesalahan
pengetikan, karena IDE akan secara otomatis menampilkan list sintaks yang akan digunakan.
· Code Snippets: Menyediakan kode untuk berbagai variasi pemrograman untuk membantu anda
melengkapi berbagai tugas secara otomatis. Code Snippets terintegrasi secara langsung dengan
lingkungan development, dan dapat ditambah.
· Refactoring: Windows Visual C# 2005 IDE sekarang memungkinkan refactoring yang cukup
baik. Refactoring memungkinkan developer untuk mengotomatisasi beberapa tugas ketika
menstrukturisasi kode.
· Data-enabled Applications. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan anda untuk terhubung secara
langsung ke SQL Server 2005 Express Edition dari IDE. Anda dapat membuat database baru,
membuat table dan melakukan manipulasi data pada database secara mudah.
· Smart Tags: fasilitas yang akan sangat membantu dan memudahkan anda ketika bekerja
dengan control-control yang ada, smart tag berupa segitiga hitam yang tampak pada bagian
pojok kanan atas dari control. Dengan smart tag anda dapat mengeset property pada control
tertentu dengan mudah.
· Windows Form Designer. Dengan tools ini, anda akan dengan mudah merancang aplikasi
Windows anda, termasuk adanya fitur seperti snap lines yang membuat anda dengan mudah
mengatur layout dari control-control yang ada pada form secara rapi.
· New Windows Form Controls: Berisi control-control baru yang dapat digunakan untuk
membuat aplikasi windows anda menjadi lebih menarik dan interaktif.
· Click-Once Deployment: Fitur berikut memungkinkan anda untuk secara lebih mudah
mempublikasi aplikasi Anda di dalam Internet, atau menginstal aplikasinya dalam Local Area
Network(LAN), network share, atau di dalam CD.
· Edit dan Continue: Ketika anda melakukan debug pada aplikasi anda, fitur edit dan continue
memungkinkan anda untuk memodifikasi kode, memajukan atau memundurkan debugger,
mengeksekusi kode kembali, menambah fungsionalitas, atau membetulkan bugs tanpa
memberhentikan eksekusi program.
· Community Access dan Start Page: Dengan fitur-fitur ini, Anda dapat mengakses informasi
tambahan dari komunitas online dan dari sumber yang berbeda, termasuk RSS (Rich Site
Summary atau Really Simple Syndication) Feeds. (RSS adalah keluarga dari format file XML;
dan digunakan secara menyeluruh oleh komunitas weblog dan Website berita).
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